
院校研究及质素提升计划办公室(OIR/QEP)的Mission是提供数据及资讯,供内部及外部人士制订计划时使用, 做决定, and certify institutional effectiveness as well as implementation and reporting relative to the 品质提升计划. 事实和信息的形式导致“新思想”和行动的发展,作为改善学术和支持计划的基础,以提高学生的学习.


在未来五年内, the Office of 制度研究 shall present its constituents with an automated resource environment containing data, 信息, and publications in support of research initiatives that improve student learning; institutional effectiveness; and the African American community, 这个国家, 这个世界.



Outcome, Objective, or Associated Activity (O)
G1.To prepare the annual 事实的书 and respond to requests for data and 信息
O1. 主要研究活动(例如.g., 事实的书, required surveys from external agencies such as the National Center for Educational 统计数据 [NCES], 报告 for the Accreditation Council for Business 学校 and 项目 [ACBSP], Georgia Professional Standards Commission [GAPSC], Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation [CAEP], and admissions) will be completed and the corresponding 报告 will be disseminated.
G2. 方便发货, 评价和传播支持学生评估学习的机构有效性活动的结果, 订婚, 和满意度
O2. Reports based on commercial or institutional 评估s that measure students' mathematics, 写作, 阅读, 批判性思维能力, or 订婚 in classroom and extra-curricular activities will be completed (e.g., 基于全国学生参与调查(NSSE)和学院学生参与调查(FSSE)数据的综合报告, Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency [CAAP], 及毕业班学生调查[SGS]).
O3. 研究活动(简报, 报告, 或基于Jenzabar数据的项目或由IR/QEP办公室完成的研究(可能包括从个人收集的评估数据)和临时信息请求将完成.
O4. 促进完成十大赌博平台排行榜机构有效性范式政策中定义的成果和目标(及其相应的报告)的更新, 的指导方针, 及程序手册.
G3. 促进(每年)收集和组织有关实施活动的可用文件,并准备与质量提升计划(QEP)相关的报告。
O5. Facilitate loading of rubrics and assignments into 黑板上 for all Common Curriculum Courses.
O6. Ensure that the deadline for grading QEP assignments in 黑板上 is established and announced.
O7. Download and summarize grades for all QEP assignments.
O8. Update the QEP report with annual data summaries.
G4. 建立一个互动的, automated resource environment to present institutional research and 评估 data to 佩因大学's constituencies
O9. Establish a committee to (1) seek sources of funding and write proposals for funding, (2) review and assess sources of automated resource products, and (3) select an automated resource product to present institutional research and 评估 data
O10. Purchase equipment and software for the automated resource environment, 设置自动化资源环境
O11. 测试环境
O12. Open use of the environment to on-campus constituents
O13. Open use of the environment to off-campus constituents


机构研究和质量提升计划办公室(IR/QEP)是十大赌博平台排行榜及其成员的官方信息来源,无论他们是在校园内还是在当地, 区域, 国家, 在国际舞台上. The Office plays vital roles in institutional research, 规划, 评估, 评价 and completion of activities associated with the 品质提升计划. There are three focus area as described below.


与机构研究相关的功能包括收集数据并将其组织成用于机构研究的信息, 评估, and 评价 as factbooks and 报告 are completed. They also include reviewing, analyzing, and interpreting collected data. Use of appropriate tools and statistical techniques to provide accurate and reliable documents and 报告 is paramount. Essential duties of office personnel are to

  • 与直接主管合作,建立有效的数据收集系统和完善的策略,从内部和外部获取高质量的数据
  • 收购, 组织, 分析, 综合来自内部和外部数据源的数据和结果,生成事实手册和有意义和准确的报告
  • Complete all required and requested institutional surveys
  • 使用InfoMaker提取学生, 教师, employee data from Jenzabar and review the output for reasonableness, 精度, 一致性, 和有效性
  • Document query/report criteria and processes to ensure consistent application of methodologies in future projects
  • Prepare statistical 报告 on operational performance of the IAER Title III activity as requested
  • Provide guidance and assistance to individual 教师, 工作人员, and administrators to determine suitable data and 信息 to meet their needs
  • Collaborate with unit personnel to complete unit activities


领导和支持开发和维护一个持续和全面的评估和评估学生在共同课程和学位课程学习成果的过程是与评估和评估相关的主要职能. 工作人员为所有机构单位提供指导,以成功完成正在进行的成果和目标. Essential duties of office personnel are to

  • 管理, 指南, 与单位领导和直接主管合作,监督与机构评估和评估活动的实施有关的Mission,这些活动记录了学生学习和学院其他方面的改进
  • 审查所有单位的目标和结果报告,以确保适当地使用评估,记录改进的学生学习或其他办公室目标
  • Plan, coordinate, and complete campus-wide 评估 activities (e.g.、NSSE和CAAP)和相应的报告
  • 为教师提供指导和帮助, 员工和管理人员确定合适的分析方法,以满足他们对评估数据的需求,以支持认证和部门计划审查
  • Oversee the development and administration of program-level surveys, 收集数据分析, and dissemination of results to appropriate audiences
  • Interpret 评估 findings and use appropriate methods to report such findings, with emphasis on results that influence institutional decision-making and policy development
  • Provide strategic and annual data or 信息 for 规划, 评估, 评价, 提案开发, 和标题III
  • 与学院人员(专业人员和支持人员)合作完成Mission,评估旨在提高学院课程有效性的活动的影响


佩因大学 established a special 评估 project whose general name is the 品质提升计划 (QEP) in 2011. Its purpose is to enhance literacy and decision-making as students engage with today's 信息-rich society. The title of the College's project is Learning Interactively Outside the Norm (L.I.O.N):十大赌博平台排行榜的名著. 它的选择是为了支持十大赌博平台排行榜的使命,即提供“最高质量的文科教育”,强调学术卓越, 道德和精神价值, 社会责任, 个人发展. 潘恩的QEP旨在将文学作品与当代问题联系起来,培养青年男女成为分析思想家和问题解决者. 办公室人员的主要职责是监督学院向SACSCOC提交的QEP影响报告的制定和准备. 其他基本职责是

  • 根据南方学院和学校协会学院委员会(SACSCOC)提供的建议,指导对QEP的所有修改的准备工作,并指导学院对QEP的回应准备工作
  • Oversee the quality assurance process for all QEP initiatives
  • 作为质量经济政策实施小组的成员和协调员,与质量经济政策实施委员会的所有成员密切合作,准备向学院和SACSCOC提交所有要求的质量经济政策报告
  • Ensure completion of each QEP objective within the established timeline
  • Provide technical and operational support to departments and provide responses to requests for QEP assistance, data, 评估, 和分析
  • Assist with 评估 research as needed for benchmarking and comparability purposes and 分析 data/信息 for QEP objectives; prepare results and findings for dissemination, 适当的
  • Assist with the interpretation of CAAP and other data (as necessary) for 订婚 initiatives
  • Coordinate 工作人员 development activities for college-wide professional development sessions each fall and spring